Jury Member
Gabriela Salvador
Executive Director, Vantrust Capital
Latin America and the Caribbean
Gabriela Salvador
Gabriela Salvador is Executive Director of Vantrust Capital, GSG Nab Impact Investments, AEF Family Business Association and ChileConverge. Member of WCD Women Corporate Directors, IWF International Women Forum, Member of The Impact, Innovation District and Association of Ethical Companies in Chile, where she advocates for the implementation of ESG indexes, for the commitment and compliance with the 17 UN SDGs and the incorporation of women in private and public boards, in addition to promoting impact investments.
In 1991, Gabriela Salvador graduated with the highest distinction as a Commercial Engineer from the University of Chile, an institution to which she was inducted into the Circle of Honor of the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2021 for her contribution to the country's entrepreneurship.
Since the beginning of her career, Gabriela has been characterized by her leadership and her ability to generate high performance teams, which led her to oversee several banking divisions, such as Banco de Chile, Citibank and CorpBanca. One of her great contributions has been to lead spaces where women had not reached until then, breaking the recognized glass ceiling, also existing in the financial world.
Ten years ago, she took over as the Executive Director of Vantrust Capital (Family Financial Group).
Director of: GSG Nab Impact Investment, AEF Family Business Association and ChileConverge.
Member of: Women Corporate Directors WCD, International Women Forum IWF, The Impact, Innovation District and Association of Ethical Companies in Chile, among others, where she has advocated for the commitment and fulfillment of the 17 UN SDGs and the incorporation of women in private and public boards, in addition to promoting impact investments.
In 2019, she co-founded ChileConverge, an institution of which she is Vice President, and which currently supports free of charge more than eighty thousand mini-SMEs with tools and mentoring throughout the country. She also founded Red América Conecta, an organization that seeks to maximize the ties between the public and private areas of the continent in pursuit of innovation and entrepreneurship.
She is the first woman columnist for Finance and Investment in the newspaper La Segunda and over time has become a recognized voice, advocating for the implementation of ESG indexes, going beyond compliance with the 17 UN SDGs, incorporation of women in private and public boards, as well as promoting impact investments.
In 2021, she was recognized as one of the 100 women leaders in the world by the Group of 100 Global Women Leaders (G100). That same year she was also chosen among the 100 Women Leaders of Chile, an award granted by Mujeres Empresarias and the newspaper El Mercurio.